Purpose of the measure – to encourage companies to invest in the necessary research and development (R & D) in order to create innovative products, services or processes, as well as to encourage the development of enterprises and the creation of innovative companies by investing in R & D and creation and development of innovations’ infrastructure.


 Supported activities:

  • Research and Development (R & D);
  • companies’ initial investments to create a new or expanding an existing business R & D and innovation infrastructure, which is not publicly available or in the clusters.



  • private legal persons (except institutions of higher education and research);
  • public institutions engaged in R & D activities (except institutions of higher education and research). 


Size of support:

  • up to 1 200 000 Eur for private legal persons;
  • up to 3 000 000 Eur for public institutions.


Intensity of support: funding up to 80 % of the total eligible costs.


Call to submit applications valid until 28.03.2016


To find out your options applying under this EU support measure, please contact our specialists