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19th of June 2015, by the order of Agricultural Minister, Lithuanian rural development program’s (RDP) 2014-2020 schedule of application collection have been adjusted.
Revised schedule provides additional collection of applications under the RDP activity "Support for young farmers’ establishment" from the 1st of December 2015 till the 31st of December 2015.
In the schedule of RDP applications collection also have been adjusted collection dates of these activity areas:

  • "Support for investments in establishment and development of economic activities" – from the 5th of October 2015 till the 30th of November 2015.
  • "Reimbursement of contributions for crops and plants insurance" – from the 1st of October 2015 till the 31st of December 2015.
  • "Compensation of animal insurance premiums" – from the 1st of October 2015 till the 31st of December 2015.


According to the adjusted schedule, applications under the measure "Support for starting an economic activity in rural areas" will not be collected in 2015.


Source: NPA