/ EU support measure "E – BUSINESS LT"

Purpose of the measure – to encourage small and medium enterprises to implement e-business solutions in order to optimize business processes related with the production and (or) services, as well as creating favorable conditions for labor productivity growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.


Supported activities – introduction of e-business solutions in the small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to optimize business processes related to production and (or) services.


Applicants – small and medium-sized enterprises, operating at least one year and whose average annual income for the last 3 financial years or during the period from the day of registration (if it has been operating less than 3 years) is not less than 145.000 Eur, and sales of small and medium-sized enterprises own production constitute at least 50 percent in the structure of total sales. 


Amount of support: max. – 35 000 Eur.


Intensity of support: funding up to 60% of the total eligible costs.


Call to submit applications valid until 29.10.2015


To find out your options applying under this EU support measure, please contact our specialists.