The Ministry of Economy since the 13th April 2016 until the 14th July invites to apply for support under the 2014-2020 period EU structural investment measure ‘ECO-INNOVATION LT+’.
Measure ‘ECO-INNOVATION LT+’ will support activities related to the implementation and promotion of eco-innovative technologies, in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change and the greenhouse effect.
Eligible costs – purchase of eco-innovative technology (equipment and facilities) or financial lease (leasing) costs necessary for direct project activities, also wages for employees who will work with eco-innovative technologies, i.e. provided wage costs resulting from the initial investment-related jobs and calculated in two years after their creation.
Suitable applicants – a very small, small and medium-sized companies, operating for at least one year, with an average annual income is not less than 145 000 Eur over the last 3 financial years or during the period from the date of registration of the company. Partners are not possible.
Till the 14th July 2016 applicants can submit applications and claim to the maximum – funding of 900 000 Eur. Supported part of the project can be no more than 45 percent of the total eligible project costs.
Source: Ministry of Economy